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Move some unmaintained plugins to the CMSimple_XH Github account

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:03 pm
by cmb
Hi developers!

I think we should move some of the unmaintained plugins to our CMSimple_XH account temporarily, i.e. create own repos for these. At least from time to time users are asking here regarding incompatibilities with current CMSimple_XH versions, and sometimes they get answers with a patch, but almost never a new version will be released, and so the patches will be forgotten. Having these plugins on Github would allow to apply some odd fixes (still better than nothing), and maybe even release a new version once in a blue moon. Alternatively, users could download current master.

Why not putting such plugins to a personal account, you may ask. At least for me, most of these plugins wouldn't suit my quality criteria and would require a lot of effort to be brought up-to-date. However, I don't have the time to do so. I wouldn't even have the time to review non-trivial pull requests – I hardly can catch up with my own plugins (I already have 62 on my Github account, and a few are still lying around locally).

To avoid misleading users into thinking that those plugins would be officially endorsed by CMSimple_XH, we could add files with a prominent notice regarding the state of the plugin, and also add the info to the repo description.

And yes, if a new maintainer would step forward for a plugin (what would be great!), we could link to the plugin's new home, and maybe even delete the repo.


Re: Move some unmaintained plugins to the CMSimple_XH Github account

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:02 am
by olape
Is a good idea i think so.