Practical ideas

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Practical ideas

Post by Tata » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:32 am

After consulting with a couple of less advanced CMSimple users I found some common discomfortabilities they have while editting websites:
1. Uploading images
It requires resizing images to make them small enough for effective use on a website.
  • There are plugins making it automatically. But I think it could be included into the file manages directly. The setting of acceptable size/dimension in core configuration results in a warrning if a large file is uploaded. It would be easier for the user if configured values (mainly the dimensions) would be used for automatic resizing if larger images are uploaded. Nawadays the file size is not as important as it was on slow connections/slow computers. I mostly upload all images with 1000px of the longer site of the image, or better 800px of height. If they are required smaller on a sepcific place, I can change the dimension while dropping them in.
    This solution would make the core a little larger. OTOH it would not require installing additional plugin and would not require any other image manipulation before uploading.

2. Video upload
It also requires the use of some sort of convertor to make the videos usable on a website.
  • It would be much easier and effective if encode4web could be included into the file manager.
    This way the less experienced users would safely upload their videos in needed formats prepared for simple inserting.
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Re: Practical ideas

Post by cmb » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:23 am

On shared hosting it seems to be impossible/impractical to do any video conversion, because there are most certainly no libs or apps (such as ffmpeg) available, and I doubt that anybody has written a PHP script to do so. So, there's probably nothing we can do.

Resizing images after upload (either immediately or later on) is possible (requires GD, what is likely to be available on almost any host, but has not the best quality, or better ImageMagick/GMagick). I'd rather see that feature being available for alternative Filebrowser plugins (and not for the standard Filebrowser), but Ajaxfilemanager_XH (which allows for basic image manipulation) is practically abandoned.

Anyhow, I'm putting this on the roadmap for XH 1.7.
Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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