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Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:57 pm
by rombs
Hallo zusammen
Da habt ihr schöne Arbeit geleistet, Super. Auf den ersten Blick bin ich bereits für mehrere Veränderungen sehr dankbar. Auch das beigefügte updateskript für die alten content-Dateien überzeugt. Bei einem Punkt in der mehrsprachigen Installation musste ich rudern. Stimmt die Liesmichdatei?:
Der Content der Zweitsprachen kommt in Unterverzeichnisse des Content Ordners, nach dem jeweiligen Sprachcode benannt.
Für "en" z.B. in [Basisverzeichnis]/content/en/
Das stimmt zwar für die Skriptausführung. Danach musste ich aber die Dateien aus [Basisverzeichnis]/content/en/ wie gewohnt in das in 'en' ubenannten '2lang' Verzeichnis verschieben, damit die alte Website wieder richtig lief bzw. die Länderflags richtig lief.
Eigentlich wäre es von der Struktur her schön, wenn die Sprach-contents alle in einem Verzeichnis wären. Aber beim Übertrag einer 1.5.9 Version funkte das ganze dann nicht mehr. Dann wäre die 2lang doch richtigerweise auch im Verzeichnis 'content', oder.
Grüsse, Rolf

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:59 pm
by cmb
Hallo Rolf,

es freut mich, dass Dir die neue Version gefällt. :)

Die Info in der Liesmich-Datei stimmt, und zwar nicht nur für das Update-Script, sondern auch für den regulären Betrieb. Warum das bei Dir nicht funktioniert, ist mir zunächst mal ein Rätsel. Schau Dir im Zweifel mal den entsprechenden Wiki-Artikel an (ist "schon" für XH 1.6 aktualisiert, müsste wohl aber noch verbessert werden, siehe FIXMEs).

Ich beschreibe die Zusammenhänge noch mal an einem Beispiel mit Französich als Zweitsprache. Im Installationsverzeichnis muss sich ein Ordner fr/ befinden (darin index.php und eine leere Datei .2lang). Das erzeugt dann den entsprechenden Eintrag im Sprachmenü (languagemenu()). Damit das passende Fähnchen (und nicht nur [fr]) angezeigt wird, muss in userfiles/images/flags/ eine Datei fr.gif vorhanden sein. Aufgerufen wird diese Zweitsprache per content.htm dieser Sprache muss sich in content/fr/content.htm befinden. Dann sollte alles funktionieren.

Falls das bei Dir dennoch nicht klappt, wäre ein Link zur Website hilfreich (insofern sie denn bereits online ist).

Übrigens kann die Kopie von 2lang/ nicht einfach in den content/ Ordner gelegt werden, weil sich dann die URL der Zweitsprache ändern würde:


Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:07 am
by rombs
Bonjour Christoph
Alles klar, du hast völlig recht. Ich habe nicht sauber gelesen und entsprechend die Schritte nicht korrekt abgearbeitet. Nun klappts. Merci und
Grüsse aus der sonntagsbratenduftluft in der Schweiz

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:18 pm
by Tata
It's been disscussed here already. I would suggest anyway to deliver the installations with this structure:
[ external image ]
It makes also the less experienced users eaisier to understand how to create 2lang pages. Even, on the Welcome page of 2lang may be stated some basic informations about usage of 2lang.

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:18 pm
by cmb
Tata wrote:I would suggest anyway to deliver the installations with this structure:
It makes also the less experienced users eaisier to understand how to create 2lang pages.
Most likey it would. However, I assume that the majority of CMSimple(_XH) websites use a single language only. For these users the file structure would be unnecessarily complex and confusing. And if they have languagemenu() in their template, the shown flag might be even more confusing ("after update to CMSimple_XH 1.6 I have a german flag on my website; how can I remove it?")

What about adding some screenshots or maybe even better a small PowerPoint presentation resp. a screen cast video to the current documentation?

BTW: the folder structure of content/ contains superfluous files in your screenshot. It is sufficient to copy 2lang/content/ to content/2lang/; no need to copy the complete 2lang/ folder:

Code: Select all

        .htaccess <-- this is actually not needed

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:03 am
by Tata
cmb wrote:For these users the file structure would be unnecessarily complex and confusing. And if they have languagemenu() in their template, the shown flag might be even more confusing ("after update to CMSimple_XH 1.6 I have a german flag on my website; how can I remove it?")
I think it is easier to ignore or delete unnecessary parts as to create the right ones and place them correctly.
In this terms the structure
[ external image ]
would be IMHO absolutely harmless. And only a line of explanation would be necessary:
If you don't use second language on your website, ignore/delete 2lang folders both from CMSimple_XH root and from ./content. Otherwise rename both folders correspondin to ISO 639-1 language codes. If you need more languages, make a copies of both 2lang folders and rename them too.
If the 2lang folder remain in installation, no flag will be shown regardless if a languagemenu function is placed in template. To delete them - if they are redundant - is a simple task for anyone.

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:18 am
by Ulrich
I think it is easier to ignore or delete unnecessary parts as to create the right ones and place them correctly.
Sorry -but this is ridiculous!

In that case you can also include ALL available plugins, addons and templates in the download and tell the user afterward:

Ignore or delete all items you don't need.

I think the "basic" installation of CMSimple_XH should have a small footprint as possible.

I don't buy a car with all possible and impossible features and ignore those I don't need or take them out. These unnecesssary items will be confusing..... as are item in the installation of _XH which are not needed.

This program is called CMSimple - Simple- is the word and not CMComplicated!

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:37 am
by Tata
Ulrich wrote:Sorry -but this is ridiculous!

In that case you can also include ALL available plugins, addons and templates in the download and tell the user afterward:

Ignore or delete all items you don't need.
Maybe I was short in expression. I thought ONLY about the basic installation package. The 2lang files are entirely harmless if they remain installed and the website is run only with one language. And the only a user has to do if making the website multilingual is to rename this folders. It means (in a case of my suggestion) rename 2 folders - that's all. This is the only point I wrote about. As it seems easier and safer to me to have the basic installation prepared eventually for 2lang without necessary adjustments.
[ external image ]
And using the cars example - it's OK with me to buy a car with digital climatisation installed (even if I won't never use it). But I must to learn how to set it up in a case of need. And if pre-configured and switched on, I can simply switch it off wit one click.
(Once a friend of mine had bought an Audi 8 and while learnig how to set it up, he left it work the whole weekend and then on Monday mornig the tank was empty and the temperature in the car and garage was unbearable :lol: )

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:23 pm
by cmb
Hm, what about extending (and actually deploying) the download assistant? It would be easy to create the necessary folder layout for individual downloads.

Re: CMSimple_XH 1.6

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:02 pm
by Tata
This would be perhaps the most appreciated solution. However, I think that the standard installation with correctly pre-configured 2lang structure (as explained above) would besufficient too. Furthermore - if an enduser will only copy+rename respective folders (2lang + and content/2lang) - he would be able to ad next languages easily in the future.