Multilanguage environment for openWysiwyg

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Multilanguage environment for openWysiwyg

Post by Tata » Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:08 am

Some of friends for which I made webpages thought it would be nice to have the openWysiwyg editor "communicating" with them in their language.
I found a way and changed the scripts slightly. But only for Insert Image popup. I have prepared the complet sk.php file. But I don't know how to integrate it in other popups. I tried to rename the HTML popus to PHP and :require: the language file the same way as it's required in isert_image.php. but it did not work.
If whoever of you would be interested in lookoing at it and maybe tomake it more professional, here is the package.
It's no shame to ask for an answer if all efforts failed.
But it's awful to ask without any effort to find the answer yourself.

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