XH Photo Gallery 4.7 - cancellation made ​​gallery

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XH Photo Gallery 4.7 - cancellation made ​​gallery

Post by oldnema » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:21 pm

Hello all, today I first tried to use the plugin "Photo Gallery XH 4.7". I really like, but I'm confused about one thing. It is possible in the administration to cancel an existing gallery? Or it may be canceled only by editing the file "album.txt"?

I do not know if gTranslate correctly translate my question. This is not me to delete files, but the abolition of the whole gallery, for example, the default gallery "Hausboot Torn-ID1".
Thank you for your answer, Josef.
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Re: XH Photo Gallery 4.7 - cancellation made ​​gallery

Post by cmb » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:49 pm

Hi Josef,

AFAIK it's not possible to remove a gallery. But you can delete all contained images and change it's name ("edit selected gallery").

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Re: XH Photo Gallery 4.7 - cancellation made ​​gallery

Post by oldnema » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:58 pm

cmb wrote:Hi Josef,
AFAIK it's not possible to remove a gallery. But you can delete all contained images and change it's name ("edit selected gallery").
My friend is blonde photographer, I am afraid that it will create a new gallery and then tells Oooops, I did not. Christopher Thanks for the reply.
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Re: XH Photo Gallery 4.7 - cancellation made ​​gallery

Post by Tata » Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:42 pm

Hi, Jozef!
As Chris has wxplained. It is not possible to delete the gallery entirely, because it has already its ID in the hierarchy. But you can delete the content of any gallery (all inserted images, descriptions etc.), rename it to new gallery and upload new imiages into it.
It means:
If you have any gallery which you don't need anymore - e.g. "Hausboot Torn-ID1":
- simply delete all included images
- rename Hausbot Torn to whatever name you want
- change the descriptions in the gallery
- make eventually new configuration
- upload new images
- use ID1 in plugin call

Ako vysvetlil Chris, galéria sa v skutočnosti vymazať nedá, lebo už má pridelené ID v hierarchii. Ale dá sa kompletne vymazať obsah ktorejkoľvek galérie (všetky vložené obrázky, názvy, popisy atd.), premenovať a vložiť do nej nové obrázky.
Ak máš nejakú hotovú galériu, ktorú už nepotrebuješ - napr. "Hausboot Torn-ID1":
- jednoducho vymaž z nej všetky obrázky
- premenuj Hausbot Torn na ľubovoľný nový názov
- zmeň popisy v galérii
- urob prípadné zmeny v konfigurácii
- uploaduj nové obrázky
- použi ID1 vo funkcii pluginu
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Re: XH Photo Gallery 4.7 - cancellation made ​​gallery

Post by Gert » Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:24 pm

Hi Oldnema,

you can handle it this way:

If you have created, for example, 10 galleries, but only 6 galleries are in use on your website, you can delete all pictures of the 4 "unused galleries", and rename these galleries to "empty".

If you need a further gallery for your website, you can reactivate one of the 4 "empty" galleries.

It's like a house, where not all rooms are used ;)

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Re: XH Photo Gallery 4.7 - cancellation made ​​gallery

Post by oldnema » Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:20 am

Gert wrote: It's like a house, where not all rooms are used ;)
Thank you, this blonde definitely understand. :)
Nobody knows how much time he has left ...

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