a German translation is available: Wie kann ich auf das neuste CMSimple_XH upgraden/updaten?
Update: if you're already running a CMSimple_XH version with the same minor version number (e.g. 1.6.1 -> 1.6.3), the update is usually pretty easy (note that the upgrade to CMSimple_XH 1.5.4 is slightly less simple):
- make a backup of your website
- download the update package for this minor version, unzip it, and upload all files to your server
- check, if everything works as it should (you may have to delete the browser cache, to get up-to-date files)
Upgrade: if you're running an older version, things are not as straight forward, particularly if you're running a version, that's not UTF-8 encoded (typically all versions before CMSimple_XH 1.2, as well as CMSimple "classic", CMSimple SE, CMSimple LE):
- install the new version in a test environment (on your local machine or in a subfolder of your webspace)
- copy the content/ folder, secondary language folders, the template(s), the plugins and all images and downloads from your old installation to the new one. If your old version didn't have pagedata.php files, delete these files from the new version.
- manually reconfigure Settings->CMS and Settings->Website and redo any modifications you've made under Settings->Language (to ease this step you can use the language and config defaults)
- if Settings->Language->Meta->Codepage is not equal to 'utf-8', make it so, install Utf8migrator_XH and use it to convert all files to UTF-8 (it's important to specify the current encoding of the files!).
- thoroughly check the site (you may have to delete the browser cache, to get up-to-date files) -- if you're lucky, and everything works as it should, you just can replace the old site with the new one (but anyway: keep a backup of the old site!)
- links to CMSimple pages don't work anymore: that's probably caused by non ASCII characters in the page heading, which are encoded differently for ANSI resp. UTF-8. How to keep the old links working, is described in the XH wiki.
- A plugin doesn't work as it should: some plugins don't reliably work with UTF-8 encoding (e.g. Genizforum). It's probably best to replace those plugins with UTF-8 encoded alternatives. If this is not possible, try to contact the plugin's author for help, or ask here in the forum