Eastern charcters in FCKeditor

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Eastern charcters in FCKeditor

Post by Tata » Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:03 pm

Everything works just fine with FCKeditor. The only problem cause eastern charcters (e.g. in SK, CZ). They are not shown correctly. But either I looked wrong or simply have not find a hint where (in which files) to define charset for windows-1250.

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Re: Eastern charcters in FCKeditor

Post by Connie » Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:10 pm


is the template UTF-8 and the editor UTF-8? That would be the perfect solution...

have a test for that, if not tell us, I could check it at the weekend

Connie Müller-Gödecke, http://www.webdeerns.de

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Re: Eastern charcters in FCKeditor

Post by Tata » Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:18 pm

Now after some diskussion with Connie, here is an example of what is my problem about.
Open the site at http://microregion.cmsimple.sk - it is only a test copy, so you may log in and use the "test" password. Content files are writeprotected, so you cannot save them. But have a look at the wery first page. For a user who doesn't know anything about charsets etc. it may be wery confusing to see the text like this. To find and correct eventual mistakes is almost impossible in this editable text. The worst is that after saving the page, the same text goes on the screen.

"Pplaying" with

Code: Select all

FCKConfig.ProcessHTMLEntities	= true ;
FCKConfig.IncludeLatinEntities	= true ;
FCKConfig.IncludeGreekEntities	= true ;
and inserting DOCTYPE definition into the config files brought some changes but has not solved the problem. Even after each SAVE or only by switchin between PREVIEW/EDIT mode (even without any change in the text) the line of coded characters grows.
Original text of the page "Region" looks like this:
Vážení návštevníci mikroregiónu Podbranisko,

vítame Vás v našej krásnej spišskej kotline, pod pohorím Branisko, ktoré je východnou vstupnou bránou na Spiš.

Opening the page first time in FCKEditor I get this:
Vážení návštevníci mikroregiónu Podbranisko,

vítame Vás v našej krásnej spišskej kotline, pod pohorím Branisko, ktoré je východnou vstupnou bránou na Spiš.
Saving it without any change the TOC item also changes to Región and the text after logout looks like this:

Vážení návštevníci mikroregiónu Podbranisko,

vítame Vás v našej krásnej spišskej kotline, pod pohorím Branisko, ktoré je východnou vstupnou bránou na Spiš.

Any idea?
It's no shame to ask for an answer if all efforts failed.
But it's awful to ask without any effort to find the answer yourself.

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